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Scholarship Process

Complete the form and take the assessment

Depending on your results, someone from the core team will reach out and conduct an interview with you.
If deemed a good fit to the team, you will be contacted again and welcome to join our Scholarship program.
Once you become a scholar you get a role "scholar" in the discord server and get access to all the scholar channels and giveaways.

Scholar Teams

The process of getting on a team is simple. If the scholar is a new addition, they get to pick the team that they want to play in within a budget. The budget is determined based on the scholar’s skills and the interviewer. Most teams are around $700-$900 USD but it all depends on the budget we have for that current spot.

The only way to get the team you pick is IF you are replacing an already established scholar and you are inheriting that team. We will ALWAYS tell you if we are looking to hire a brand new scholar or if you will be inheriting a team before you decide to join the program.

The last thing that is important to cover is Axie replacement or exchange requests. Several things are put into consideration such as what Axie do you currently have VS what is the Axie you are requesting. What is the cost of that new Axie? Do we have something comparable on the breeding farm? and what is the increased output MMR/SLP?

The most important information, splits!

We will be doing a tiered base split in 2022. This is your TOTAL SLP for that pay period you will get X percentage. Here is how we calculate (min daily * 14) and here is the breakdowns for bi-weekly SLP gains:

1) 0 - 1,680= 30%
2) 1694- 1960 = 35%
3) 1974- 2100 = 40%
4) 2100+ = 45%

The first week that you have the team we consider it a "trial" week and SLP performance will be paid at 35% by default. We meet every Friday to review performance and will adjust playstyle if needed. If the following Friday is low for a second consecutive week, the scholarship is terminated and a snapshot is taken of the SLP you have at that time. Those metrics will be paid according to the breakdown above.

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